Channel: Indian Rail Road
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: irfcadiesel locomotiveinside trainfastest rajdhnaiwdp4dfastest train indiafirst on yotubeinside alcoindian rail roadinside train enginechirag sagarinside wdp4dlongest rajdhanirajdhani locomotivefastest engine indianever seendriver viewtrending videowdp4160 kmphindian trainindian railwayshigh speed trainfastest diesel locoinside emdlongest train130 kmphinside diesel locomotiveduronto locomotivefatest durontoemd
Description: Part 1 : Inside Rajdhani express engine. Locomotive : WDP4D The final alterations to the GT46PAC came in the form of the WDP-4D. The locomotive is the most distinctively identifiable of the three thanks to the addition of a second cab at the long hood end of the locomotive. Due to the heat generated from the radiator at the second cab end of the locomotive, DLW had to install air conditioning to protect both the electrical components and the loco-pilot from the high temperatures. The existing features from WDP-4B have been carried forward to this class and it exclusively features the widened cab profile. The loco features a completely different desk control stand, provided by Medha with digital display screens allowing for remote fault diagnostics. Many locos also have GSM-R based transmission antennae to transmit critical loco info for use by maintenance and signalling staff. It features electro-pneumatic microprocessor based control adapted from the WDP-4B and brake system equipment of KNORR/NYAB CCB type. This loco again with Dual-Cab, but with More Power and Better Fuel Consumption compared to ALCo DL560C, along with an Air Conditioned Hood Cab, became a very efficient replacement of WDP-3A. #indianrailroad #indianrailways #train #wdp4d #locopilot #inside #IndianRailRoad